About Us:
When, We were preparing for government jobs when we had visited Lots of website, But the information and data were insufficient. So we had decided to start our own website to provide necessary information fast & in time. Other websites are not giving service of sms alert about new government jobs. we Do to avakarnews.in was launched, in 2013. Its our dream project was to provide an effective platform on job vacancies and result of recruitment examinations, In addition to help to prepare all types of govt exam and materials, Rozgar Samachar, in each issue, carries article on job opportunities in various sectors, including emerging sectors. The daily carries advertisement for job of Central, State Governments, examination notices and results of organizations like UPSC, SSC and other general recruitment bodies and mid level career promotion opportunities. Our Main Goal is to help student and give proper information for Government Jobs easy and fast with WhatsApp, Hike and EMAIL alert.
This is from 2013 to 2020 but after this we focused on ayurvedic information, we felt that people are getting confused due to lack of information, and have become victims of many diseases so now we are providing basic home remedies, ayurvedic information and diet vihara information.
Created by Ramesh Jani - Bhavnagar (Gujarat) - Whatsapp No - 7878222218
Read more at: www.avakarnews.in