Voters Can Check Their Names Online On Election Commission, Gujarat State Website,Please Always Check Our Website to Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Technology Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post,Keep checking regularly to get the latest updates.
Voters can check their names online on Election Commission, Gujarat State Website Chief Electoral Officer Gujarat State :
Now candidates may get below services by visiting the website :
Search Your Name in the Voter’s List(Candidates may check voters name, address, age, district, taluka, officiers mobile no. etc.) (Electoral Roll)
How to Find Out Serial Number in Voter ID Card Online: Visit the Election Commission of India official website
Search Your Name By Area and
Booth Level Officer(Electoral Roll)
Name in the Voter’s List,|| Search name by Area,
- You will now see list of states, Select the state you are from.
- You will now be asked to select your district and you will have an option to search for your profile by the district details or by your account details.
- You can also search for your profile by entering your full name or the EPIC Number.
- Once you have entered the details and click on "Proceed", you will find a list of profiles that match the search criteria.
- Choose your profile from the list. Once you have accessed your profile, you will find all details about your Voter ID Card like your Part Number and your Serial Number.
Search Your Name By Area and
Booth Level Officer(Electoral Roll)
Name in the Voter’s List,|| Search name by Area,
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