Download Note Identifier Apk launched by by RBI - RESERVE BANK OF INDIA - Mobile Aided Note Identifier by RBI for Visually Impaired – MANI (Mobile Aided Note Identifier) by RBI for Visually Impaired.
RESERVE BANK OF INDIA - Mobile Aided Note Identifier by RBI for Visually Impaired: Denominations of Rs.10, Rs.20, Rs.50, Rs.100, Rs.200 Rs.500 and Rs.2000 have since been released. The Reserve Bank of India has been sensitive to the challenges faced by the visually challenged in conducting their day to day business with Indian banknotes. This application will aid the visually impaired to identify the denomination of Indian banknotes of Mahatma Gandhi Series and Mahatma Gandhi (New) series by capturing the image of the notes placed in front of rear mobile camera. The application will generate audio and non-sonic notification intimating the currency note denomination to the user.
Launch of Mobile Aided Note Identifier (MANI) by RBI: RBI Governor today launched the “Mobile Aided Note Identifier (MANI)”, a mobile application for aiding visually impaired persons to identify the denomination of Indian Banknotes.
Using the MANI app: Download the MANI app on to your smart phone. Just make sure that you type out 'Mobile Aided Note Identifier' and not just MANI or some other such short form. Once you download the app, you can start using it. You do not need to open any online account or require any password to operate the app.
What is Mani Why was it launched?
RBI launches 'MANI' app to help visually challenged to identify denomination of notes. The app is capable of identifying the denominations of Mahatma Gandhi, (New) Series banknotes by checking front or reverse side at various holding angles and a broad range of light conditions.
Disclaimer - This mobile application is made available by the Reserve Bank of India at no cost for the guidance of the visually challenged persons in identifying the denomination of Indian Banknotes. The Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities nor agencies nor officers nor employees nor advisors give any warranty or make any representation, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the results given by the application, which may vary on account of difference in conditions, including but not limited to, light, soilage condition of the banknotes and interference from nearby objects. Users may exercise discretion and supplement the results of the app by checking the denomination through other ways of note identification. The Reserve Bank of India does not take any responsibility, and no claim shall lie against the Reserve Bank of India, for the results of the application and for any decisions taken by the users based on the said results. By downloading, accessing or using this application, you signify your assent to this disclaimer. This mobile application does not check or authenticate the mani of Indian Banknotes.Search Query: MANI App developed by npci, MANI app full form, RBI MANI app developed by, MANI app download, RBI app Mani game app, Roshni app, MANI full form
MANI (Mobile Aided Note Identifier)
Note Identifier Apk launched by by RBI: Banknotes under Mahatma Gandhi (New) series with change in the size and design were introduced in November 2016. Under this new series, banknotes in the,Check Our Website to Know Upcoming New Jobs, Technology Tips, Helth Tips and General Info Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post,Keep visiting for more jobs and study material updates.
Using the MANI app: Download the MANI app on to your smart phone. Just make sure that you type out 'Mobile Aided Note Identifier' and not just MANI or some other such short form. Once you download the app, you can start using it. You do not need to open any online account or require any password to operate the app.
What is Mani Why was it launched?
RBI launches 'MANI' app to help visually challenged to identify denomination of notes. The app is capable of identifying the denominations of Mahatma Gandhi, (New) Series banknotes by checking front or reverse side at various holding angles and a broad range of light conditions.
Disclaimer - This mobile application is made available by the Reserve Bank of India at no cost for the guidance of the visually challenged persons in identifying the denomination of Indian Banknotes. The Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities nor agencies nor officers nor employees nor advisors give any warranty or make any representation, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the results given by the application, which may vary on account of difference in conditions, including but not limited to, light, soilage condition of the banknotes and interference from nearby objects. Users may exercise discretion and supplement the results of the app by checking the denomination through other ways of note identification. The Reserve Bank of India does not take any responsibility, and no claim shall lie against the Reserve Bank of India, for the results of the application and for any decisions taken by the users based on the said results. By downloading, accessing or using this application, you signify your assent to this disclaimer. This mobile application does not check or authenticate the mani of Indian Banknotes.
MANI (Mobile Aided Note Identifier) Application Download link HERE.
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