Model and KGBV Schools Gujarat – Admission Online Application 2021|Admission Online Apply For Model school and KGBV Schools Gujarat, Latest News, jobs Updates, Technology Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post.
Model schools, model day schools are functioning in educationally backward talukas in 9 districts of the state from the year 2013-14. Under this scheme students study in Std. 09 to 12, besides KGBV run by the state government in which talented girls have to be nominated. These are being developed as Model School, Model Day School and KGBV School of Excellence run by the State Government. In which "Common Entrance Test" has been organized by the State Examination Board for the admission of talented children.
Application form for the examination on the website Dt. 09-02-2021 at 03:00 pm
Online Application Time: Dt. 09-02-2021 from 3:00 pm to 18/03/2021 at 3: 4 hours Online
Exam date: 18/04/2021 is scheduled for the month of April.
The dates for downloading the hall tickets for this test and the date of the test will be announced online at
Eligibility of students: Students studying in Government Primary Schools, Local Body Schools (District Panchayat / Municipal / Municipal Schools), Granted Primary Schools and Private Institutions in Std. 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the current academic year. Tarot " Will be able to give.
Examination Fee: There is no fee for Common Entrance Test.
Structure of the test: This test is of multiple choice form and multiple purpose form (Multiple Choice Question MCQ Based)
Give admission to needy girls ... Motivate all parents to apply online today ...
Friends, till now the crit area of admission in kgbv was a bit awkward so not all babies can apply for admission. Now according to the new rules of admission, any baby can get admission in Std. 6 to 9 in the year 2021..22. It is the sacred duty of all that we have to explain to all the children of Std. 5 to 8 and their parents that if they get admission in kgbv, the girls get the following facilities free of cost till the twelfth standard.
All the following facilities will be available to all students from now on.
1. good healthy meal 2 times breakfast
2. Accommodation in a modern building with air-conditioned personal bedding
3. Clean sanitation with hot water as well as R O water for drinking.
4..Warden in hostel..Aasi. Warden's 24 hours guidance as well as systematic coaching with adequate equipment by special ladies teacher for sports art ... commuter ...
5. Mathematics Science English tuition ..
6 Essential oils throughout the year..Sabu .. Shampoo .. Stationery ....
7. Stipend is also deposited in the bank account as per the rule every month
All the above facilities are provided free of cost in kgbv. In addition, each kgbv is equipped with cctv camera. Adequate equipment is also available for sports, sewing, yoga and cultural programs. Let us all participate in the work of virtue and let more and more babies take part in the entrance examination to be held in the coming April and become their mentors face to face..
So visit the official site for the application today. There is no fee to be paid.
Note: Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying - Thanks for visit this useful Post, Stay connected with us for more Posts.