Amazing Birds voice Technology Listen Birds voice

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Opening these links will bring a picture in which there are many birds ... if you touch any bird, then you will hear its sound ... the technology ...

The birds and the rivers
Between the vertebrate fauna, the birds are the most abundant group in all the natural environments of our country. The rivers, far from being an exception, are home to many bird species: some are going to eat, nest or rest, others follow the course of the river as a migratory route between the European and African continents

The presence of birds in the rivers is very clear in winter. The leafy trees let us see these inhabitants, which are also more abundant and, in general, larger in size than those that usually exist during the longest time. In spring and summer, however, they do not look so much, but they often feel like singing because the leaves protect them. If we are not experts in songs, their identification becomes relatively complex. Opening these links will bring a picture in which there are many birds ... if you touch any bird, then you will hear its sound ... the technology ...

You can feel forest ambience and listen forest birds, tropical forest birds and crow, owl, parrot, piegon, loon, woodpecker, rooster, seagull, mockingbird and much more!
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