How to Check Your Village Grant use Details in official goverment website

Gujarat Gram Panchayat Work Report 2024-25 - How to Check Your Village Grant use Details in official goverment website - If you want to know how much budget has been given by the Government of India for the construction of your gram panchayat , how much has been passed and how much work has been done so far, then you can know this at your fingertips through your mobile from home.

Gram Panchayat Work Report

Not only this, if you see any irregularity in the construction work, then you can complain directly in public hearing. The Government of India has introduced this facility to make the development work transparent from village to village. You can also keep an eye on your head , Zilla Panchayat by adopting these methods.

This is how you will get information
For information about the development work of your Gram Panchayat, you will have to click on the website; 
Such a website will open.

Plan Year: (Financial Year) - In the option, decide which year you want to get information. Such as 2014-2015, 2016-2017 or 2015-2016. If we choose 2024-2025 as an example, the next option will be the state.

State: (State) For which state you need information, as an example, if we want information about the state of Gujarat, then click on Gujarat.

Plan Unit: After this you get the option of Plan Unit, in this you are given the option of Gram Panchayat, Block and Zilla Panchayat, in which you can choose your option. For example, we choose Gram Panchayat.

District Panchayat: (District Panchayat) In this option you have to give information about your District Panchayat. Like if we need information as Vadodra then select Vadodra.

Block Panchayat: (Kshetra Panchayat) In this, you have to give information about Block Panchayat. Like if we click Vadodra next.

Village Panchayat: (Gram Panchayat) In this, you will give information about your village, for example, if you choose the doodhi option, this picture will be in front of you in the website.

How to Check Your Village Grant for Step by Step:

  • Step 1 First click on the link below
  • Step 2 You can pick your language as per your inclination, simply here English, Hindi and Punjabi have a choice. … see the picture
  • Step 3 Here you will pick your arrangement and name of your state and snap on GET REPORT, after which you will get some information about the arranging unit, For instance in the event that you need to perceive how much cash this year in your town If you have originated from the administration side then you will pick the alternative of GRAM PANCHYAT
  • Step 4 After that you will be asked that you live in the district panchayat, you will select the name of your district
  • Step 5 In the wake of choosing the locale panchayat, you will choose the name of your Janpad Panchayat or Block, For instance – If I need to perceive how much cash the administration has given in my town in 2014-2015,
  • Step 6 After the Gram Panchayat, you will be asked the name of village PANCHYAT, after that you will click on GET REPORT for last 5 To 10 Years.

View Gram Panchayat work Report in All India: Check Here

Gram Jila Panchayat Grand Development Plan Report: Check Here

Get Report: (See report) After filling all the options, clicking on the gate report will reveal the report of the entire panchayat. You will be able to see how much budget was passed for what work in Gram Panchayat. Not only this, the cost of construction work is given. You will get complete information about the work and what has been done in this report. If the work has been done in the website and the work is not completed at the ground level then you can complain about it in public hearing.

E-Gram Swaraj App:

if you download e-gram swaraj app in your mobile then also you can view details of many works and development works from home online application. For which you can search one gram swaraj on google play store and install the application in your mobile. Then select your state, district, taluk etc. and select your gram panchayat and click on proceed button so that you can get detailed information about the works done in your gram panchayat.

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