How to get the benefit of the Vhali Dikari Plan?

How to get the benefit of the Vhali Dikari Plan? Assistance of 4000 when daughter comes first in the class.

“A” category visa and allows the holder to travel through the international zones of Schengen country airport but not into the Schengen Country Area.The application fees are listed below and apply to one visa application. The application fee for the most common nonimmigrant visa types is $160. This includes tourist, business, student, and exchange visas. Most petition-based visas, such as work and religious visas, are

US$190.Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S. Visa, or been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the point of entry? If you have ever been refused a U.S. visa, write the details about it here. You have to answer 'Yes', even if some other type of U.S. visawas denied in the past.TheFor Latest Updates Jobs, Study Materials and General Information Updates. stay with us Please share with your frds this Post Thanks.

Vhali dikari yojana details

Vahali Dikri Yojana:
Do you know that in the Gujarat stage 30% of Girls drop out the school before reaching the class IXth and 57 % girls dropped the School before reaching the intermediate. Gujarat State Government has launched the Vahali Dikri Yojana on the basis of other state Girls incentive schemessuch as Rajasthan (Raj Shree Yojana), Haryana (Ladli Scheme), Karnataka (Bhagyashree Scheme), Maharashtra (Majhi Kanya Bhagyashree Scheme), West Bengal (Kanya Prakalpa Scheme) and Madhya Pradesh(Ladli Laxmi Yojana).

Objective of Vahali Dikri Yojana 2019:
To Improve the Birth Ratio, Increase the Education Ration of Girls, to save the future of Girls and to promote Girl Child Birth Gujarat Government has announced to start Vahali Dikri Yojana (Dear Daughter Scheme) 2019. Under the Scheme Government will Pay three times Financial support to the parents of girls. The incentive under Daughter Scheme will be given for first and second daughters of the family. Vahali Dikri Scheme will definitely prevent female feticide, promote the education of girls and provide a substantial sum to fund for higher education and wedding of girls.

application fee for the most common nonimmigrant visa types is $160. This includes tourist, business, student and exchange visas. Most petition-based visas, such as work and religious visas, are $190. K visas cost $265 and the fee. amount for E visas is $205.The application fee for the most common nonimmigrant visa types is US$160. This includes tourist, business, student, and exchange visas. Most petition-based visas, such as work and religious visas, are US$190. K visas cost US$265and the fee amount for E visas is US$205.How long does it take to receive the visa? It is advisable to apply for a Schengen Tourist Visa at least 2 weeks prior to the planned trip. The Embassy Consulate will then reply in 10 working days as common (or less as usually occurs), the time taken to proceed all the
documentatio and the travelers request. for Double-entry: a visa type similar to the single-entryvisa but the difference here is that you can enter the country twice. ... However, you can only stay in a Schengen zone for a maximum of 90 days within half a year, starting from the day you cross the border between a Schengen country and a nonSchengen country.
 ये भी पढें: Vahali Dikari Yojana - Gujarat, Vhali dikari Yojana full Details
How to get the benefit of the Vhali Dikari Plan? Assistance of 4000 when daughter comes first in the class,,Gujarat govt. to invite Vahli Dikri Yojana 2019 Application / Registration Form online or offline, girls to apply for education incentive + 1 lakh for wedding or higher education under Vahali Dikari Yojna

Gujarat govt. has announced Vahli Dikri Yojana (Dear Daughter Scheme) for girl children of the state. Under this Vahali Dikri Yojana, the state govt. will provide education incentives and Rs. 1 lakh to first and second daughters of family. This one lakh assistance amount would be provided when the girl attains the age of 18 years. People would be able to fill the Vhali Dikari Yojna registration / application form to avail assistance.

The state govt. of Gujarat has started Vhali Dikri Yojana 2019 in order to improve the sex ratio which currently stands at 883 girls per 1000 boys. The amount under Vahli Dikari Yojna would be provided for wedding or higher education.

In the recent Gujarat Budget 2019-20, the state govt. has allocated Rs. 133 crore for Vahli Dikri Yojana.
Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojna 2019 Amount – Application / Registration

The amount to 1st and 2nd daughters of family would be given in the following manner:

● When Will Assistance be Transferred Details Amount under Vahali Dikri Yojana

  • Enrollment in Class 1st Early Intervention Part Rs. 4,000
  • Enrollment in Class 9th Late Intervention Part Rs. 6,000
  • Attaining 18 years of Age Wedding or Higher Education Rs. 1,00,000
Vhali Dikri Yojna is going to reduce the dropout rate of girls from education and would also prevent child marriage. As soon as the Vahali Dikri Yojana application / registration form are out, we will update it here.

Gujarat Vahali Dikri Yojana Eligibility::
Gujarat Vhali Dikari Yojana is going to improve the birth rate of girls and will strengthen the socio-economic status of the girls in society. All the applicants must fulfill the following eligibility criteria to become eligible for Vahali Dikri Yojana::
  • Applicant must be a permanent resident of Gujarat state.
  • The girls must belong to a poor family with annual income of less than 2 years.
Download Yojna Form.
Read Gujarati Details.
This is a first of its kind initiative in the state of Gujarat for daughters of poor families.
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