GPSC Recruitment For Various Posts 2020 |GPSC PI, PSI,STI Exam Syllabus Download - GPSC Updates 2020.
Gujarat Public Service Commission - GPSC published List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, an Important Notice regarding Recommendation, Detailed Interview Programme, Recommendation from Waiting List, List of Eligible/Ineligible list after application scrutiny and Important Notice regarding Recommendation from the waiting list for Various vacancies. You can view all updates for various vacancies in below link,Latest News, jobs Updates, Technology Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post.● Instructions and Process for How to Apply
1. Please CONFIRM the application on OJAS site to submit finally.
2. Confirmation Number and First Wire in Print Call Letter option to the applicants
Collecting / Hole will be found on the screen immediately. Come and take the test
3. Turn off POPUP Blocker Each report will appear in the New Window
4. Set the A4 Size page in Printer Settings
5. For IE 8 and later browsers, click Compatibility View Browser Text.
6. OTP Use One Time Password wherever required hence you are requested to register your
personal and correct mobile number. O Online application to get OTP (One Time Password)
Provide and use your correct mobile number while doing so.
1. Please CONFIRM the application on OJAS site to submit finally.
2. Confirmation Number and First Wire in Print Call Letter option to the applicants
Collecting / Hole will be found on the screen immediately. Come and take the test
3. Turn off POPUP Blocker Each report will appear in the New Window
4. Set the A4 Size page in Printer Settings
5. For IE 8 and later browsers, click Compatibility View Browser Text.
6. OTP Use One Time Password wherever required hence you are requested to register your
personal and correct mobile number. O Online application to get OTP (One Time Password)
Provide and use your correct mobile number while doing so.
GPSC Official Notification.
Online application made by the candidates is Editable till the last time of advertisement. Hence candidates should apply only in one advertisement. If there is any mistake in filling the details / information in the online application, go to “Edit” option and correct the details. Not to make a new application. - The Commission shall have the unfettered right to change the number of places of all advertisements published by the Commission. - Considering the number of candidates, the preliminary test will be taken through OMR / CERT (Computer Based Recruitment Test). Educational Qualification, Experience etc. will be as per the detailed advertisement published on the Commission's website https: // gpsc and htps: // gpsc - ojas gujarat -21 and 31 / 2020-91 advertisement will have 200 questions of 300 marks in the preliminary test related to the subject. The final selection of candidates will be made on the basis of total marks by calculating 50% of the marks obtained out of 200 marks in the primary test and 50% of the marks obtained out of 100 marks in face to face interview. That is, 30-50% weightage will be given for the marks obtained from 200 and 130 marks of preliminary test and face-to-face interview respectively. 8% in the preliminary test in the above advertisements (for SC and ST candidates - among the above advertisements, advertisement numbers: 09, 16 / 2060-61 to 8 / 2020-91, 16, 20, 32 to 31/30, 40) 50 marks for the marks obtained out of 400 marks in the preliminary test in 20/2050-61 and candidates will not be considered for face to face interview). Fifty percent weightage will be given. In the preliminary test, 100 questions of 100 marks will be for general study and 200 questions of 200 marks will be for the related subject.
GPSC PI, PSI,STI Exam Syllabus:
Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 (2019-20) - Click Here.
Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 (2018-19) - Click Here.
State Tax Inspector, Class-3 - Click Here.
Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3 - Click Here.
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